Canola Oil May Be “Paleo Diet” Approved, But I Won’t Eat It

Diane Sanfilippo FAQs, Fats and Oils 26 Comments

(11/1/11 Note: The revised version of Loren Cordain’s The Paleo Diet no longer promotes canola oil as healthy, but at the time of this post’s original publication, the version of The Paleo Diet that I purchased was pro-canola oil.) I have been saying I should blog about this topic for months now, so here it goes. I’m keeping it pretty short …

Oils, Fats & Why to Avoid Canola Oil

Diane Sanfilippo Fats and Oils, Food & Recipes 6 Comments

Ok, I know this may seem overwhelming, but take a few minutes to read some of this. And feel free to reply with your thoughts or additional insights for me to share with others. Most of you already use olive oil mainly, I know, but be aware that the best overall are the following: Organic Olive Oil- uses: low heat …