The magic of saying no | Diane Sanfilippo

The Magic of Saying No

Diane Sanfilippo Diane: Direct, Lifestyle & Mindset, Monday Motivation 10 Comments

Who else is saying *NO* more?   What happens when we say “no” to people, activities, and even to ourselves? It’s usually the most honest answer you can give, yet somehow, it’s the absolute hardest. Allow me to release you from the turmoil that comes from this in-between state you may be in right now… saying no to something, someone, or …

Repeating Nutrition Challenges, Macro Meal Plans, and Carbs - Diane Sanfilippo, Liz Wolfe | Balanced Bites

Podcast Episode #265: Repeating Nutrition Challenges, Macro Meal Plans, and Carbs

Diane Sanfilippo Carbohydrates, Diane's Macros Meal Plan, Featured, Podcast Episodes Leave a Comment

Topics 1. News and updates from Diane & Liz [2:07] 2. Halloween candy [13:46] 3. More information about the Master Class [18:07] 4. Repeating nutrition challenges [21:17] 5. Macros based meal plans [35:31] 6. Let’s talk about carbs [48:48]     Subscribe to Real Food Liz!  Subscribe to The episodes are also available in iTunes, Spotify & Stitcher. Pete’s …

Diane's Macros Meal Plan Update, Week 10 | Diane Sanfilippo

Diane’s Macros Meal Plan: Week 10 Update & Progress

Diane Sanfilippo Diane's Macros Meal Plan, Direct from Diane 8 Comments

I can hardly believe I’ve already cruised through 10 weeks on this 12-week meal plan from Christine at Gauge Girl Training! If you missed my previous posts about this meal plan, check them out: My Macros Meal Plan “Planning & Preparation” post (written the first week) My Macros Meal Plan “FAQs” post with all the details (written a few weeks into the …

Diane's Macros Experience: FAQs | Diane Sanfilippo

Diane’s Macros Experience: FAQs

Diane Sanfilippo Diane's Macros Meal Plan, Direct from Diane 7 Comments

As I complete the 12-week meal plan created for me by Christine of Gauge Girl Training, I’m being asked a lot of questions repeatedly – for good reason – you want to know the answers! Here are the questions I’m asked most frequently about the clean eating / flexible dieting meal plan I’m currently following. First things first – join me …

Diane's Macros Experience | Planning & Prep

Diane’s Macros Experience: Planning & Preparation

Diane Sanfilippo Diane's Macros Meal Plan, Direct from Diane 2 Comments

This week marks the beginning of a 12-week Meal Prep & Planning experience for me. I’m following a customized plan created for me by Christine of Gauge Girl Training. My plan is based on my current situation, goals, tastes, allergies, preferences, lifestyle, etcetera. So, while I’ll be sharing all about my experience with you along the way, I won’t be sharing …

Bites I Love: Steve’s Paleo Goods Paleo Kits, Grass-Fed Jerky and more!

Diane Sanfilippo Bites I Love, Direct from Diane, Featured, Food & Recipes 7 Comments

I finally had a chance to try Steve’s Paleo Goods Paleo snacks this week. I know, I must be living under a rock to be a Paleo nutrition educator and CrossFitter and not have tried them yet. #FAIL As a nutritionist, it should be vividly clear to you all by now that I am never in favor of meal replacements when you …

10 Things I Learned at MovNat: On Life, Movement and Being in Nature

Diane Sanfilippo About Me, Amazing Practitioners, Events and Workshops, Featured, Health & Wellness, Paleo and Primal, Pregnancy & Babies 28 Comments

Last week I spent 5 days in Mt. Nebo, WV with Erwan LeCorre, Vic Verdier and Clifton Harski learning the pillars of MovNat while camping at Summersville Lake Retreat. I learned a lot over those five days, some of it directly from the instructors, some from my peers, and some just from the experience of being in nature and observing …

My Advice on Turning Nutrition Education Into a Career

Diane Sanfilippo About Me 50 Comments

NOTE: We have also covered this topic on The Balanced Bites Podcast, in Episode #3, Episode #13, and Episode #37 – click on any of the links to check out the posts and listen to the MP3, in iTunes or on Stitcher! I get emails nearly every single day asking me for advice on what to study, what schools are best and …

Monday Motivation: Are You Driving Your Life or Is Your Life Driving You?

Diane Sanfilippo About Me, Monday Motivation 15 Comments

Priorities, choices and happiness have been on my mind a lot lately so I figured this would be a good topic to throw out there and to get people thinking about a bit more regularly. When I decided to pursue nutrition coaching as a full-time career, it wasn’t without great pause. I was living an a nice, top-floor, one-bedroom apartment …