Interviewed by Leah Salmon of The Natural You Network

Diane Sanfilippo 21-Day Sugar Detox, About Me, Books, Events, & Programs, paleo, Press and Media Leave a Comment

I was recently interviewed by Leah Salmon of The Natural You Network on several health and nutrition related topics. The interview covers: how my journey into health and wellness began the reasons why I wrote The 21-Day Sugar Detox Manual my thoughts on why sticking to a whole foods diet is hard for people the basics of a Paleo Diet …

A Carb-Loaded Youth, Years of Hypoglycemia & How I Landed on a “Paleo” Diet.

Diane Sanfilippo Direct from Diane, Lifestyle & Mindset, Most Popular 25 Comments

Here’s an honest look at how I landed on a paleo/primal type of real food diet. I say “Paleo” in the title of this post because I don’t follow one specific diet 100% of the time, but I do what feels best for my body and what works for me intellectually as well as physically. My story is far longer than this …

What’s on My Plate, 4/5/09

Diane Sanfilippo Direct from Diane, What's On My Plate Leave a Comment

Brekkie: 2 hard boiled organic eggs with Real Salt & organic chipotle habañero hot sauce 1 fuji apple coffee with coconut milk & stevia (yes, I caved! wanted to have it pre-workout!) Lunch: 2 cups of kale/carrot/avocado salad (recipe to follow in another post!) 1 organic chicken thigh (for the recipe, click here!) strawberries for dessert! water