Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [2:28] 2. A new thing I’m into: Vital Choice seaweed salad and salmon [12:49] 3. Optimal preparation for superfood intake [17:36] 4. Supplementing with BCAAs [26:24] 5. Multivitamins and prenatal vitamins [30:11] 6. Continuous supplementation versus cycling [36:16] 7. High dose supplementation or overdosing? [40:55] 8. Probiotic supplementation and knowing …
Podcast Episode #216: All About Supplements & Superfoods (Part 1)
Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [3:29] 2. A new thing that I’m into: drinking broth with roasted veggies [14:43] 3. Supplements and superfoods; what’s the difference [16:54] 4. Supplementing with digestive enzymes [20:28] 5. What about MTHFR? [26:08] 6. Best superfood combinations and nutrient competitions to avoid [31:13] 7. Omega-3 supplementation that’s not so costly …
Podcast Episode #206: The great FCLO debate
Topics: 1. What’s new for you from Diane & Liz [3:20] 2. A new thing I’m into lately: not lifting heavy (gasp!) [12:21] 3. Response to fermented cod liver oil report [20:08] 4. Approach supplements in general [44:04] 5. #treatyoself: Primal Kitchen Mayo [51:24] Additional resources: Chris Kresser’s recent post on the topic. Chris Masterjohn’s recent post on the topic. …
Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #14: Healthy Holidays, Diabetes, Supplements & Calories
Episode #14 Discussion Topics: Keeping the holidays healthy- Thanksgiving dinner, parties, etc. Shout-outs: Radiance Nutritional Therapy, Diana Rodgers Ancestralize Me, Laura Beth Schoenfeld Healthy Urban Kitchen, Antonio Valladares “Cardio Conundrum 2″ Topics: 1. Keeping the holidays healthy- Thanksgiving dinner, parties, etc. [ 12:47] 2. Diabetes (Type 2) and protein consumption [25:50] 3. Paleo success, then weight gain/creep [36:38] …
Balanced Bites Podcast: Episode #6: New to Paleo, Food Intolerance, Type 2 Diabetes, Non Paleo Vices, Omega 3:6 Ratios & Supplementing
Episode #6 I, Caveman, part of the Curiosity series on The Discovery Channel. Topics: 1 New to Paleo and Gluten-Free lifestyle. [11:50] 2: Food intolerance and travel/indulging. [19:05] 3: Type 2 Diabetes, Paleo and Sweeteners. [30:35] 4: Mom’s fat-loss stall while family progresses. [40:50] 5: Non-Paleo vices, artificial sweeteners & weight-loss stall. [53:30] 6: Omega 3:6 ratios, supplementing and daily bacon. [60:50] Click here to download …