Why Balanced Bites Spices are Different | Balanced Bites

Why Balanced Bites Organic Spices are Different

Diane Sanfilippo Balanced Bites Spices, FAQs 4 Comments

I get this question a lot. “Diane, what makes your spice blends different from what I can find on the supermarket shelf?” Or, sometimes, I’m asked why and how they are different even from other specialty organic spice blend brands that aren’t in most stores. And it’s a great question, as we pour a lot into making our organic spice …

Practical Paleo 2nd Edition Video

Practical Paleo 2nd Edition | Let’s Take a Tour!

Moriah Rieger Practical Paleo Leave a Comment

Quick highlights: 50+ additional pages (but way more than 50 pages of content!) 2 additional chapters 3 NEW 30-day meal plans (adrenal health / stress management, healthy hormones, liver detox support) 40 NEW recipes (plus, original recipes have mostly been rephotographed, which makes the book look so different) NEW color coded indicators for each recipe Visual recipe index And so much …


Paleo Snacks

Diane Sanfilippo Food & Recipes 7 Comments

When folks switch over to a Paleo/Primal lifestyle, one area that takes a little reframing is SNACKING. It makes sense, right? Snacks according to Paleo principles look and taste much different than those on a Standard American Diet (SAD). In this post, I hope to inspire some different snack options for you and your family, as well as provide some super easy …

How Do I Manage Stress - Portfolio

Stress Management Tips

Moriah Rieger Adrenal Fatigue, Stress Leave a Comment

Check out this short video from a Facebook Live session about my Top Stress Management Tips Here are some key takeaways from the video: First and foremost, prioritize your health, especially good nutrition, exercise, and quality sleep. When you let those areas slip, you will be less productive overall in reaching your goal. Use a planner or a way to track …

Practical Paleo, 2nd Edition - Diane Sanfilippo, Liz Wolfe | Balanced Bites

Podcast Episode #252: Practical Paleo, 2nd Edition

Diane Sanfilippo Featured, Podcast Episodes 1 Comment

Topics 1. News and updates from Diane & Liz [2:13] 2. Liz’s Parenthood Facebook Group Discussions [9:54] 3. Shout out: Who is Diane following on Snapchat [23:27] 4. Practical Paleo Second edition: what’s new [26:24] 5. Updated and new meal plans [36:04] 6. Changes in the recipes [46:23] 7. Rapid Fire Q&A [51:42] 8. #Treatyoself: Chicken chicharrones [1:01:20]   Links: …

Healthy Travel Tips | Balanced Bites

Healthy Travel Tips: Eating Gluten-Free on the Road, In the Air, and Everywhere

Diane Sanfilippo Lifestyle & Mindset, Paleo & Gluten-free Travel, Practical Paleo 10 Comments

As many of you may know, I have a lot of first-hand experience with how tricky it can be to find healthy, gluten-free friendly food while traveling. If you don’t already follow me on Instagram, I recommend jumping over there for real-time/live posts from different places. I also have tagged my travel photos: #PracticalPaleoTravel and am also starting to use …

Practical Paleo Testimonial: How nutrition helped Amy B. rock her brain surgeries and transform her health

Diane Sanfilippo Testimonial 3 Comments

This post is a testimonial written by Amy B. – I hope it can help even one reader. We all need to share our stories so that others can benefit from our experiences and the valuable lessons we’ve learned along the way. – Diane As a teen I suffered from chronic headaches. When I was 17 years old, I started …

Practical Paleo Testimonial: Former vegan finds health

Anthony DiSarro Lifestyle & Mindset, Testimonial 4 Comments

Let me introduce myself. My name is Dolores. I’m a 35 year old female that lives outside of Dallas with my furbaby (pictured) and my boyfriend (not pictured). I look pretty content in my picture, right? Well, there was a time I was nowhere near the level of contentment I am today. Let me take you back to PPP (Pre Practical Paleo)… …